Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

Why you should use it:

You’ll find PPC ads on the sidebar of Google search engineresult pages, the bottom of YouTube videos, and on banners and footers on many websites. They are found everywhere, as publishers obtain a commission anytime an ad is clicked. Because they are so widespread, and paid ads are targeted to specific groups. They are effective in helping businesses get increased traffic. Whether that traffic converts to sales is up to you. Pay-per-click ads are an effective and fast solution to get traffic non-organically.

How much you’ll pay

You pay for every ad clicked. The costs per click will depend on how many people are bidding on the same keyword you are trying to be seen for. If you want your ad to be seen when someone does a search for “dog walkers” in the Chicago area, but there are 3-4 other dog walkers competing for that same ad placement in your region, the bidder who is willing to pay the highest cost-per-click will rank higher than the rest. The costs depend on how much competition you have in the area you are targeting. Prices can range from RM100 per month to RM1,000 per month, and higher.  

How often you’ll pay

You can pay for PPC ads for as long as you want to.  

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